Founders and Trustees

From the beginning, building a better future

The Pallet Foundation began in 1996 by a group of very dedicated individuals who each pledged $10,000 to set up this organization. This group recognized the need to have funds available to take on very specific projects in three core areas: education, research, and marketing, while promoting the industry to end-user markets. Today, the Pallet Foundation funds critical research, data collection and ongoing improvements to the Pallet Design System™. These and other projects truly make a difference for the wood packaging industry and benefit all of our businesses.

Our Founding Members

Peter & Debra Berry, Berry Industrial Group

Arthur S. Binley, Jr, Pallets Incorporated

Gary R. & Jeffrey Boohe, B&B Lumber

Edward C. Brindley, Jr, Pallet Enterprises

Arthur P. Caltrider, The Nelson Company

William T. Carden, Potomac Supply

John Eichler

Paul A. Frank, Jr.

Troy Fraser, Fraser Industries

Jess Garnett, Garnett Wood Products

Albert F. Geiges, Treen

George P. Geiges, Treen

Greg Gibson, Sonoma Pacific

Forest M. Grimes, Pallet Resource of NC

William E. Hanneman, Viking Engineering & Development

Alfred E. Holland, Ridge Pallet

Harold Looney, Jr., Gilbert Lumber

John C. & Richard Lorentzen, St. Charles Pallet

Emory Lucy

Tommy Orr, WNC Pallet

M. Raymond Piland, Atlas Pallet dba Williamsburg Millwork

Donald Remmey, Jr., Remmey-The Pallet Company

Thomas J. Ryan, McIntosh Box & Pallet

William H. Sardo, Jr.

Robert W. Smalley, Sr., Smalley Package Company

Stephen C. Sykes, Interstate Pallet

Lionel F. Trebilcock, Litco International

John Vipond, Girard Wood Products

Pallet Foundation Trustees

Click on each Trustee to see what they have to say!

Chair & Vice Chair

Kathleen Dietrich, Chair

Kathleen Dietrich, Chair

Commercial Lumber & Pallet
Larry Howell, Vice Chair

Larry Howell, Vice Chair

Cottondale Wood Products


Carolyn Beach-Skinner

Carolyn Beach-Skinner

Westside Pallet
Clint Binley

Clint Binley

IMH Machinery
Sukhi Brar

Sukhi Brar

Advance Lumber & Pallet
Chaille Brindley

Chaille Brindley

Industrial Reporting
Julie DeRoush

Julie DeRoush

Tri-Pac North America
Mike Hachtman

Mike Hachtman

Relogistics Solutions
Scott Harrington

Scott Harrington

Mitchell Kamps

Mitchell Kamps

Kamps Pallets
Justin Karoly

Justin Karoly

Challenger Pallet & Supply Co.
Kurt	Larsen

Kurt Larsen

Viking Engineering & Development
Bill MacCauley

Bill MacCauley

MacCauley Suffolks
Jordan Piland

Jordan Piland

ATLAS Pallet

Bill Schneider

Bill Schneider

Remmey – The Pallet Company
Rob Trexler

Rob Trexler

Pasadena Skid & Pallet
Scott Vipond

Scott Vipond

Girard Wood Products
 Luke Wenner

Luke Wenner

Pallet Service Corporation
 Jeff Williams

Jeff Williams

PRS Group
Jimmy Wilson

Jimmy Wilson

Greg Wine

Greg Wine

Pallet Machinery Group
Steve Yelland

Steve Yelland

JFR Holdings
Mike Saylor

Mike Saylor

Treasurer of the Pallet Foundation
Brent J. McClendon

Brent J. McClendon

President & CEO, National Wooden Pallet & Container Association

Support The Pallet Foundation

Make an online contribution (secure server) or mail a check/money order to: Pallet Foundation c/o NWPCA, 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 560, Alexandria, VA 22314. The Pallet Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation and all contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Contributors will receive a statement for tax purposes. Please contact the foundation treasurer, Michael Saylor, if you need additional assistance.