April 20, 2016: NWPCA staff and members continue to work to make sure your voice is heard during important meetings that affect the safety and operations of member facilities. Most recently, NWPCA staff and several representatives from Brambles served as industry experts and informational resources to committee members of the International Code Council (ICC) technical committee as they considered a proposal to update their International Fire Code on the outdoor storage of wood pallets.

The proposal received unanimous committee support and will be published as a ICC Committee Recommendation and distributed for public comment. After a review of public comments, a final balloting process will occur at the Final Action Hearing (October 17-21 in Kansas City, MO), where the entire voting membership of ICC will participate.

ICC is one of two standard-setting organizations that develops fire codes that govern facilities across the United States. The other organization, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is currently under public comment period for a similar proposal NWPCA submitted.


Dr. Brad Gething
NWPCA Director of Science & Technology Integration
Phone: 703-519-6104